Shannon Spreeman
1st Grade
Hello! I am Shannon Spreeman, first and second grade teacher. I am originally from Watertown, SD. In December of 1992 I graduated from (Dr.) Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN and taught first and second grade for a semester in Marshall, MN. Nebraska became my home in July of 1993 when I moved to Hadar to teach grades K-8. After marrying Miles Spreeman in 1997 I did not teach for two years. Instead, I learned how to be a hog farmer. In 1999 I was called to teach at St. Paul's and have been teaching here since then. I love early childhood ministry and experience great joy and satisfaction with my job. Miles and I have three children. My stepson, Garth, lives in Lincoln with his new wife, Paige. They were married in November 2016. We also have Hallie, who is in fifth grade; and Hazel, who is in second grade.